. Entrevista do arq. Nuno Malheiro da Silva para a revista Betar Artes&Letras.
FOCUS GROUP vence Prémio Sécil pela Fiscalização da Obra do Terminal de Cruzeiros de Lisboa
Controlled cost housing for 136 dwellings in Loures.
New office complex in Lisbon . FOCUS GROUP recently presented a project for Licensing (...+)
1st place in the public competition FOCUS GROUP won the public competition promoted by the Chamber (...+)
Parking and Infrastructure (Zone E) Work on subdivision and parking at Entrecampos is already underway (...+)
. FOCUS GROUP's architectural business is run by a solid, specialized, creative and (...+).
. FOCUS GROUP's landscaping services include the preparation of studies and designs, followed (...+).
. FOCUS GROUP's urbanism business is to create a balance between different points (...+).
. With a multidisciplinary team of architects, urban planners and landscapers, and more than 45 years’ experience (...+)
. Internationalization has always been the primary objective since FOCUS GROUP's foundation, and a determining factor in its growth (...+)
. FOCUS GROUP boasts a track record of major projects and work completed in all of the specializations (...+)